Residency in Greece

There are various main options for obtaining a residency permit in Greece, that branch out into numerous subcategories. In recent years, the Greek government formulated new residence permits specifically aimed to attract wealth, ultimately to have a positive impact on the nation’s economy. Programs were designed for property owners and renters, bank deposit holders, securities owners, business investors and high net worth individuals. Of course, those who want to work, study or retire in Greece can also qualify for residency.

Government agencies that process residence permits are Directorates within the Ministry of Interior. According to Greece’s legislation, the main types of residence permits are for:

  • Work purposes, which covers not only employees but entrepreneurs & investors as well
  • Family reunions
  • Studies, research, vocational training and voluntary work
  • Humanitarian and exceptional reasons which covers real estate owners, renters and financially independent individuals
  • Victims of human trafficking, migrant smuggling, asylum etc.

Procedure for obtaining a Residence Permit


Non-EU residents can apply for a national D-Visa at Greek diplomatic missions and consular posts. You will need to show up at a consulate, be interviewed, provide the required documents and pay the related fees. There is no fingerprinting at this stage, and the set of documents needed are:

  • Completed Application Form and Color Photograph of the Applicant
  • Passport or any other travel document officially recognized by the Greek authorities
  • Criminal record certificate from your country of residence
  • Medical Certificate that proves you’re not suffering from any decease potentially risky to public health
  • Insurance policy and any other documents supporting the purpose of your entry and stay in Greece

D-Visas are valid for one (1) year and allow the holder to enter Greece, apply for a residence permit and stay in the country until it is issued. During this period, D-Visa holders can travel to other Schengen countries. Fees for issuing the visa are payable at the application venue.

Once in Greece with your D-Visa, you will need to apply for a residence permit either in person or with an appointed individual representing you through a Power of Attorney.

Important: During the application phase, you get fingerprinted. In case a representative applies, fingerprinting will be scheduled for you at another date. Residence permits will not be issued without biometric data.

The application process requires also to have some documents, and there is an application fee that varies depending on the permit period requested (1/2/3 years), if there are children under 18 etc.

Property Owners – Investment

One can invest in real estate to obtain a residence permit in Greece. This type of permit falls within the Greece Residence by Investment Program, known as Golden Visa. It is valid for 5 years and, as a holder you are not obliged to live in Greece. We invite you to read more about the benefits and opportunities of this program, under section Property -> Invest -> Golden Visa.


Employers must get approval from the official administration to hire a foreign (third country) employee / worker in Greece. During the application process, employers are requested to submit a number of documents including tax clearance, proof of their ability to cover monthly wages per the labor contract and in some instances supporting details to offer accommodation as for example in cases of short-term workers in the agricultural sector.

Employment permits (EU Blue Card) vary from high qualified jobs granting periods 1 – 3 years to unskilled labor for short term (30-90 days) or seasonal work (to 6 months). Quotas for the number of highly qualified foreigners that can be employed in Greece, are announced by the government.

Application fees and supporting documents are required, and vary by permit type.

Other Means

Family reunification: If you – as a foreigner- have obtained a residence permit in Greece, you are entitled to apply for reunification with your spouse and children to obtain a residence permit as well. You will need to provide official marriage and birth certificates or other proof of kinship.

Studies: If you have been accepted at a Greek Higher Education institution, you are eligible for a residence permit. You need to show proof of income over and above tuition fees, that is sufficient to live in Greece. Also, you are allowed to work part-time but cannot apply for family reunification.

International protection: If you have fled to Greece – you may be granted a residence permit as an asylum seeker. Under international protection laws, you will need to schedule a registration appointment online. As an applicant, you may include up to 8 members in your request, for adult and family members filed separately.

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