Radical changes over the past few years inspired Spiros G. Koutsoulianos (Direct & Digital Marketing Professional) to start Peace-of-Mind Services; he formulated a business plan, submitted it to his longstanding collaborators and the proposal was unanimously accepted, leading to the birth of POMS. His renowned organization-project management-scram master multitasking skills alongside his hands on involvement in dealing with matters related to inheritance-property-tax, are key ingredients for detailed evaluation and overall coordination in resolving problems and issues.

Delivering quality services, supported by a network of certified collaborators, defines our DNA. Seamlessly united, we are a coalition of professionals with longstanding expertise in our respective fields and proven success from years of tried and tested cases, bring you peace-of-mind. A well-organized associate’s network composed of solicitors, notaries, accountants, tax experts, auditors, civil engineers, topographers, architects, realtors, digital experts, business advisors, construction crews and international moving companies, all possessing the knowledge, the connections and the qualifications to provide an all-in-one package of consultancy services to meet your needs however diverse.


As your One Stop Service Provider, POMS is based in Athens and handles cases throughout all Greece. Managing the entire process, we support-maintain-resolve your case under a single roof. YOU are serviced centrally, responsibly, efficiently and cost effectively for any inheritance-property-tax compliance matter you may have


Our Story: How it all came together


Why we build Honest Relationships


What we Value to matter most for you


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